Rajam, South Asia and Jammu, South Asia
South Asia Gospel Festival
Evangelist Daniel King traveled to South Asia to preach about Jesus in two different cities. Despite the opposition, many people were saved. Jessica King sponsored the digging of a water well in a village that had no clean drinking water.
Pastor’s Conference Changes Jharkhand
Five hundred pastors representing 22 out of 24 districts in the Indian state of Jharkhand came to our pastor’s conference. Also represented were pastors from the Indian states of Orissa, Bihar, Assam, Sikkim, Chhatisgar, West Bengal, and from the nation of Nepal and the border of Bhutan. The pastors came from a broad spectrum of denominations including Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, and the Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Some pastors traveled for several days from remote villages to attend. They arrived by auto-rickshaw, bus, walking, and by motorcycle. Before they gave their lives to Jesus, many of the pastors were from Hindu, Muslim, and Tribal religion backgrounds.
Because of the poverty in India, we helped pay for the pastor’s transportation and we provided lodging and food during the five day conference. Pastor A.J. Barjo from Ranchi said, “The conference was historical for our city. It was very well organized. Every pastor enjoyed this conference and appreciated the spiritual food and the physical food that we were fed. All the pastors are now motivated to go reach the lost.”
A member of the State Parliament and a Cabinet Minister welcomed the pastors to Ranchi. A Hindu newspaper reported on the conference with a favorable review.
On the first night of the conference, our team felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to give an altar call. Even though only pastors were supposed to be in attendance, we obeyed and a Hindu man who was visiting responded by giving his life to Jesus.
The focus of the conference was on soul winning. We challenged the pastors to go to the unreached villages of Jharkhand to plant churches.
The pastors were extremely attentive and took notes on each message. Daniel’s mother Susan challenged the pastors to pray diligently. Daniel’s brother David spoke about “God’s Purpose for Your Life.” Daniel spoke on “3 Reasons to be a Soul Winner”, “How to Lead People to Jesus,” and “The Fire of God.” Our co-evangelist Marcus Bloom spoke on “7 Gospel Truths” and “7 Secrets of a Successful Ministry.” He gave a copy of his new book “The Final Lap” to every pastor.
On the final day, we laid hands on each pastor and sent them out to fulfill the Great Commission. Many pastors were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues for the first time. They returned home happy and motivated to do big things for God!
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!