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31 Different Kinds of Biblical Fasts

Who fasted in the Bible? Why did they fast? Here are some of the reasons people fasted in the Bible.

  1. The Eliezer Fast…to Complete a Task (Genesis 24:33)
  2. The Moses Fast…to Receive Instructions from God (Exodus 24:28)
  3. The Wave Offering Fast…for Giving to God (Leviticus 23:10-14)
  4. The Day of Atonement Fast…for Repentance (Leviticus 23:26-32)
  5. The Nazirite Fast…to Fulfill a Vow (Numbers 6:3-4)
  6. The Hannah Fast…for Answer to Prayer (1 Samuel 1:7)
  7. The Samuel Fast…for Confession of Sins (1 Samuel 7:6)
  8. The David Fast… to Humble Yourself (Psalm 35:13)
  9. The Widow’s Fast…as a Seed Toward Your Future Need (1 Kings 17:15)
  10. The Elijah Fast…To Cure Depression and Discouragement (1 Kings 19:8)
  11. The Jehoshaphat Fast…for Deliverance From an Enemy (2 Chronicles 20:1‑4)
  12. The Esther Fast…for the Salvation of a People (Esther 4:15‑16)
  13. The Ezra Fast…for Protection (Ezra 8:21‑23)
  14. The Nehemiah Fast…to Prepare for Rebuilding (Nehemiah 1:4)
  15. The Isaiah Fast…God’s Chosen Fast (Isaiah 58:6-12)
  16. The Jeremiah Fast…to Hear God’s Word (Jeremiah 36:6,9)
  17. The Daniel Fast…To Obey God’s Law (Daniel 1:8)
  18. The Gabriel Fast…for Spiritual Break-through (Daniel 9:3, 21)
  19. The Joel Fast…to turn to God with all your heart (Joel 2:12)
  20. The Jonah Fast…for the Repentance of a Nation (Jonah 3:5-9)
  21. The Zechariah Fast…during Times of Mourning (Zechariah 3:5-9)
  22. The Anna Fast…the Fasted Lifestyle (Luke 2:36-37)
  23. The John the Baptist Fast…to Prepare the Way for Jesus (Luke 7:33)
  24. The Jesus Fast…for Consecration (Matthew 4:2)
  25. The Disciple’s Fast…to Cast Out Demons (Matthew 17:21)
  26. The Pharisee Fast…to Impress People rather then God (Luke 18:12)
  27. The Wedding Party’s Fast…to Wait for the Bridegroom (Luke 5:34-35)
  28. The Saul Fast…for Light in the Midst of Darkness (Acts 9:9)
  29. The Cornelius Fast…to Catch God’s Attention (Acts 10:30)
  30. The Paul and Barnabas Fast…for Ordination into Ministry (Acts 13:2-3)
  31. The Paul Fast…during Times of Hardship (2 Corinthians 6:4‑6)
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