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One Chance for Every Person…to hear the Gospel

There are two thoughts that drive everything we do as a ministry.

Thought #1: One Chance for Every Person…to hear the Gospel.

Oswald Smith said, “No one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least once.” Every person on earth deserves to hear the truth about what Jesus accomplished on the cross at least once in his or her lifetime.

The world’s population recently exceeded seven billion people. Less than a third of these people (2.1 billion) are Christians. The world is a giant harvest field with many millions of people who have never heard the Gospel message.

In North America, there is a church on almost every corner; on television we watch multiple channels that offer 24/7 Christian programming; and Christian books and Bibles are readily available. But when we go to Pakistan, India, Indonesia, or the heart of Africa, we have the opportunity to preach to people who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel.

We want to go to the unreached, the unconverted, to those who have never heard, to people who have never read the Bible or sung a worship song, who do not know the story of Moses in the Bulrushes, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jonah and the Whale, or Jesus. We want to minister to people who bow their knees to strange gods, who offer incense to idols, or worship the sun, moon, and stars. Our mission is to visit the hardest-to-reach places of the world in order to rescue people from hell.

If we don’t go, who will? If we don’t preach, how will they hear? If we don’t give them an opportunity to hear the Gospel, how can they be saved? No one should ever die without hearing about what Jesus has done. This is why we do Gospel Festivals. We want to save the lost, offer salvation to sinners, and reach the unreached.

Thought #2: One Task for Every Believer…to Share the Gospel.

The second part of what we are called to do involves inspiring believers to be involved in evangelism. This is why we always do a Soul Winning Conference for pastors and church leaders in conjunction with every Gospel Festival.

Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person (Mark 16:15). This is an assignment for every believer and until we finish our assignment we should not get distracted with any lesser priorities.

Imagine a boss is telling his employee to make twenty-five sales calls before he leaves for an important meeting. When he returns, he asks the employee to give him a report. The man reports, “I made coffee, checked my e-mail, vacuumed the office, and organized my desk.” The boss asks, “Did you call the people I asked you to call?” The employee replies, “No, I was too busy doing other things to do the task you assigned me.” If the employee continually makes excuses for not doing his job, eventually he is going to get fired. Sometimes, the church is so busy doing good activities that we forget about our assignment from heaven to tell the world about Jesus.

As believers, each of us is called to be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission and in taking the Gospel to the world.

Can You Invest in World Evangelism?

I am often asked, “How much does a Gospel Festival cost?” But, a more important question is “How much is a Gospel Festival worth?” What is it worth to rescue 10,000 people from an eternity in hell? What is it worth to publicly proclaim Jesus in a city that has never heard the Gospel? What is it worth to inspire hundreds of local churches to care about evangelism? The cost of doing a Gospel Festival is usually about $1 for every person we are able to reach but the value of this investment is infinite! Could you make an investment this month for the sake of leading the lost to Christ? Thanks so much for helping us reach the world! To give, click here.

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