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The Power of Fasting

By Daniel King

A massive crowd stretches across a soccer field, listening intently to the Gospel. A young girl’s deaf ear is supernaturally opened. Three deaf-mutes boys speak for the first time in their lives. A woman who has been in her wheelchair for eleven years gets up and walks. Thousands of people decide to become Christians.

As I watched these amazing events unfold before my eyes, I asked myself, “Why are we experiencing so many miracles tonight?” The answer came to me as I remembered myself, three months previously, stretched out on a carpet, face down before God. I realized the massive miracle crusade was the direct result of the power of fasting and prayer.

For several years, I desired to launch my ministry with a time of fasting and prayer. Just as Jesus spent the first forty days after his baptism fasting, I wanted to set aside time to seek God’s perfect will for my life. Before this, I had fasted for various amounts of time, but I had never fasted for such a long period.

Finally, I set aside almost six weeks to dedicate my life to God. As I spent time in prayer, I cried out for miracle power to be manifested in my ministry. I was tired of just talking about the power of God, I wanted to experience the power of God. I was desperately hungry to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God’s promises are true.

On that crusade stage, God answered my prayers. He showed up and showed off. Hundreds of people received a miracle from God. But, my fasting was only one half of the reason God moved.

The main pastor who was hosting my crusade said, “Daniel, you are the miracle we have been praying for!” I asked him what he meant.

He explained that for over two years, he had prayed for God to send a crusade to his city of Potrerillos, Honduras. Even though he had a passion for the people of his city, he did not have the resources to host a crusade. Day after day, he asked God to make a crusade possible.

Finally, he realized that in order to achieve a spiritual breakthrough a great spiritual price would have to be paid. He called the Pastor’s Association of Potrerillos together and challenged them to fast and pray for God to send a crusade to their city.

In response to this call for spiritual dedication, eighty local pastors and church members fasted for forty days in order to ask God to send a crusade to their city. Amazingly, only a few days after the end of their fast, I called the pastor and asked if I could come to his city for a massive miracle crusade.

I was praying for God to move at the same time the local pastors in Honduras were praying for God to move. Even though we were thousands of miles apart as we sent our petitions heavenward, God heard us. Through a series of divine connections and miracles, God brought us together. The crusade was held and together we touched the lives of over forty thousand people.

Would this crusade have happened without us fasting? Would we have experienced the miracle healings if we had not spent time in prayer? I do not know, but I suspect that fasting and prayer helped pave the way for God to move.

Throughout the Bible, God moves in response to His people fasting. I have proved this in my own life. There is tremendous power when a believer denies the flesh and spends time on his or her knees in prayer.

This is an excerpt from Daniel’s book: “The Power of Fasting.” To order your copy, click HERE.

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