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Healing Power | Is God Willing to Heal Me?

Several years ago my grandfather died. After his funeral, his will was read to the family. In that will, he expressed his desires concerning the disposal of his worldly goods. The written will established beyond a shadow of a doubt what he wanted to happen to his money.

My grandfather was the testator, the one who set up the will. A lawyer was the mediator or advocate of the will; his job was to guarantee that the conditions of the will were fulfilled. The family members were the beneficiaries of the will, they received the benefits from the estate.

Jesus was a testator; He left his will on earth when He died. In the Bible there is an Old Testament and a New Testament; the word “testament” refers to a will. When Jesus died, He left His last will and testament. In it His will concerning healing was established once and for all.

Once the writer of a will is dead, nothing can be added to the will or subtracted from the will. Jesus clearly expressed His desire concerning healing when He was on earth. Any theology which denies Jesus is willing to heal people today is nothing but a false addition to the will.

Jesus’ desires concerning His estate can be found in the New Testament. The words Jesus left behind, in the form of the Bible, perfectly express the will of God concerning His earthly estate. His will can make you well.

What possessions did Jesus leave on earth? His robe was stolen by the soldiers who crucified him, so He did not leave any physical possessions. One item Jesus did possess was the authority to heal the sick. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). It was this authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness that He left to His disciples in His will (Matthew 10:1). We are the beneficiaries of Christ’s estate. All His authority and power now belongs to us. Jesus bequeathed to us all the promises of God in His will.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He became the advocate or mediator with the Father who guarantees that the conditions of the will are fulfilled. Jesus made His will known before He died, then the resurrected Jesus became the lawyer who ensures that every promise in the will comes to pass. “…Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance…” (Hebrews 9:15).

There is only one person in the Bible who questions the will of Jesus to heal. In the first healing story recorded by Matthew, a man with leprosy comes and kneels before Jesus. The man says, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus reveals His will concerning healing to us and quickly reassures the man by gently saying, “I am willing, be clean!” Immediately the man was cured of the leprosy.

Leprosy was a hideous, contagious disease that separated the sick person from society because the leper was not permitted to come within ten feet of those who were well. This prohibition prevented the leper from worshiping God in a synagogue or in the temple. The leprosy effectively severed the leper from the ability to worship God in a community of believers. By healing this man, Jesus restored both his lost relationships and his ability to worship God.

The only way Jesus will ever answer the question, “Are you willing to heal me?” is “Yes, I am willing!”

This is why there is no need to pray the formalistic prayer, “Lord, if it be thy will, you can heal me.” You can know beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is God’s will to heal you. Asking if it is God’s will for you to be healed is an insult to God’s promise. God’s Word says, “You are healed.” God said it once; He does not want to, nor need to, repeat Himself.

T.L. Osborn says, “Not knowing the will of God in a certain matter, we may pray in faith that God will do this for us, if it be His will; and He will do what is best for us. But where God has revealed His will, by promising to do a certain thing, we need not be in ignorance of it or in doubt concerning it.”

God desires to heal you. It is written in His will; thus it is settled for all of eternity. God does not want you to be sick; God wants you to be well. God’s will has been made known. God’s will must not be questioned; it must simply be trusted. The Father wrote it; Jesus guarantees it; and the Spirit brings healing as you believe.

If God wills for all to be healed, why are some not healed? God also “wants all men to be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4), but not all are saved. Some are not saved because they do not believe; some are not healed for the same reason.

Jesus was the physical manifestation of God’s will. Jesus said, “…I have come to do your will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7). Jesus only did the will of His Father. “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me” (John 6:38). As we read the Gospels, we see God’s will unfolding in the activities of Jesus. He acted out God’s will concerning healing through His actions. Jesus perfectly revealed the will of God in the area of healing as He opened blind eyes, touched deaf ears, cleansed lepers, and healed cripples. If it was God’s will to heal people when Jesus was on earth, it is God’s will to heal you today.

Do You Need Healing? 

We believe in a God of miracles. If you need prayer for healing, please share your prayer request by clicking here.

Check out Daniel’s powerful book on God’s Healing Power: 

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