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Healing Power | You Can Be Healed Through Your Confession


Did you know every word you speak is important? The words you confess with your mouth can bring health and healing or death and destruction. According to Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death…” Tomorrow’s realities are contained in the seed of today’s words.

How important are the words we speak? Romans 10:9 says, “…if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Verbally speaking Christ’s Lordship over your life is a vital part of receiving salvation. Paul goes on to say, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved” (Romans 10:10). The confession of your mouth brings salvation.

Confession is also a vital part of receiving healing. Your tongue has the power of life and death. If you speak positive words of life, you will be infused with supernatural life.

Confession is using God’s words to describe your situation. When God sees your pain, He says “By the stripes of Jesus, you are healed.” The moment God notices your sickness, He declares, “I sent my word to heal your disease.” Whenever God hears a cry for help from a sick person, He answers, “I am the God who heals you.”

Confession is speaking with your mouth what you believe in your heart. Jesus said, “…out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). According to Paul, the word of faith should be in your heart and in your mouth (See Romans 10:8). The best way to have the word of faith in our mouths is to speak the word of God.

It is not a hypocritical lie to confess your healing when you are still sick. In God’s eyes, your healing has already been accomplished, and by speaking words of faith rather than words of doubt, you are agreeing with a higher authority. If someone asks you how you are feeling, tell them, “God’s healing power is working in my body.”

Agree with God and say, “I am healed by the stripes of Jesus (1 Peter 2:24); God is sending His word to heal me (Psalm 107:20); my healing will quickly appear (Isaiah 58:8); this sickness will not end in death (John 11:4); God is taking this sickness away from me (Exodus 23:25); I serve a God who is healing all my diseases (Psalm 103:3).

Confession brings possession

Confession of God’s promises brings possession of His promises. Say what God says. Declare the truth that God has already spoken. Use your lips to declare God’s will for your life. Speak words of faith, not words of doubt.

It is impossible to be lifted above your confession. Your life will be raised or lowered to the level of your words. Speaking words of doubt shut God out and then begin to let Satan in. Bosworth says, “Disease gains the ascendancy when you confess the testimony of your senses. Feelings and appearances have no place in the realm of faith. Confessing disease is like signing for a package that the express company has delivered. Satan then has the receipt from you showing you have accepted it.”

If a mailman brought a box of rattlesnakes to your house, you would not have to accept it. The mailman would try to get you to sign for the snakes because your name is on the package, but if you do not sign, you do not have to accept them and he would be forced to take them away. Gordon Lindsay says, “Symptoms may appear, but you do not have to accept them.”

Confessing words of doubt is like signing for the sickness that Satan is trying to give you. If you refuse to confess you are sick, you are rejecting the devil’s package. Give no place to the devil; never accept anything he brings.

When a policeman arrests people, he is required to tell them, “Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.” A person’s words can legally be presented as evidence during a trial. If your words are important in this world’s system, how much more important are your words in the spiritual realm?

Those who overcome the devil do so by “the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11). It is as if in your spiritual life, you are on trial. Satan, the prosecuting attorney, has spoken horrible words of sickness against you. Jesus, the defense attorney, has spoken words of life on your behalf. The judge is leaning over the bench asking, “How do you plead?” If your words agree with Satan’s lies, you will be held in captivity, but if your words line up with the words of Jesus, you will be set free!

“How do you plead?” the judge asks again.

“I plead the blood of Jesus which heals me of every sickness,” you answer.

The gavel falls. Case closed. You are healed because of your confession!

Do You Need Healing? 

We believe in a God of miracles. If you need prayer for healing, please share your prayer request by clicking here.

Check out Daniel’s powerful book on God’s Healing Power: 


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