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Justin Bell | 7 Things Evangelism is NOT

I met Justin Bell in South Africa when he was a student at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. Now he travels around the world looking for opportunities to evangelize. Today we talk about his list of “7 Things Evangelism is NOT.”

Justin Bell is a national speaker, bible teacher, and worship leader with a passion to lead people into deeper delight through rich relationship with God. He has served in ministry for over 10 years and has been in pastoral ministry since June 2012.

An effective communicator of God’s Word, Justin is widely known for his prophetic gifting and revelatory teaching style, which helps people apply the living scriptures to their lives and ultimately, walk in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. He has dedicated his life to equipping the Body of Christ in prayer, healing, and deliverance and is passionate about bringing people into the reality of true worship.

A native of Dallas, TX, he served in the US Navy for four years as an Aviation Electrician in Norfolk, Virginia. He studied at Christ For the Nations Institute and Southwestern Assemblies of God University, from which he earned his Practical and Bachelors Degree in Church Ministries with a minor in Biblical Studies.

After graduating, Justin served as an educator and director of All Nations International School in Jeonju, South Korea. Additionally, Justin served the foreign community in South Korea by planting a church, connecting believer’s passion and purpose for the glory of God. He has traveled to over 19 nations sharing the eternal message of Jesus Christ and preached in churches, jails, and schools.

Justin is currently serving as the Ministries Director at Joy Church in Sunnyvale, TX. He has been featured in the Pentecostal Evangel Magazine; a national circulation of the Assemblies of God sharing testimonies of what God has done through his life and ministry. He is also the founder of Greater Glory World Ministries an international prayer ministry located in Dallas, TX serving in a local community called Bishop Arts.

Justin enjoys playing soccer, music, and learning languages. He is currently studying Portuguese and writing his first book. He is a lover of family and has two sisters, one brother, three nieces and two nephews.

Justin Bell’s Website: https://www.greatergloryworldministries.com

Favorite Quotes of Justin Bell 

“You can do three things with your life: Spend it, Waste it, or Seed it”

“The Greatness of your power is in the measure of your surrender.”

“People won’t remember how you died, but how you Lived.”

“A faith that’s not tested is a faith that can’t be trusted.”

“You are only as big as your Prayer Life”

“The Evidence of your belief is in the way you act.”

“You cant lead anybody where you have not been yourself.”

“Jesus died for People not Ministries and Churches.”

“Life doesn’t belong to you but to him who died for it, so give him what he paid for.”

“A woman’s heart should be so close to God that a man should seek him to find her.”

7 Things Evangelism is NOT

Evangelism is not inviting people to church or an evangelistic event

Inviting people to events is important, but it is not evangelism – it is pre-evangelism

Evangelism is not social work, justice or political involvement

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeking social justice, feeding the homeless, clothing the naked, and addressing institutional-political injustices. However social justice, food in a hungry belly, and a jacket on the back of a homeless man does not prepare that soul for eternity. Good deeds compliment the gospel enterprise; they do not replace it.

Evangelism is not personal testimony

A personal testimony does not save a sinner, only the Gospel and Christ Jesus. It’s quite right to support a gospel presentation with what the Gospel of Christ has done in one’s life. Yet, we must never confuse the gospel itself with a personal testimony.

Evangelism is not imposing our will or beliefs on another person

We make no apologies for attempting to persuasively make the case for Christianity. But in the end, only God can change the human heart.

Evangelism is not doing apologetics in order to win an argument

Apologetics is a necessary part of the Christian mission. Apologetics can help answer questions and remove intellectual objections, but only the gospel of Jesus Christ can change the heart.

Evangelism is not church planting

Church planting is biblical and necessary. Many church plants succeed at a higher rate growth than already established churches, but it’s not because of the magical words – church plant. The reason church plants grow fast for a season is because believers of that new church share the good news and are active in seeing people come to the Lord.

Evangelism is not the increase of numbers of people joining a church

It is very easy to get caught up in numbers in the business of church. Jesus told three successive stories involving numbers in Luke 15. Souls are not notches on our belt or numbers on our denominational charts. “One” represents a precious soul for whom Christ died. We are to communicate the gospel regardless of the results – God alone takes care of the results.

What Evangelism is: 

Evangelism is the communication of the gospel message, which includes a warning,
an explanation, and a call.

Evangelism includes warning people about sin and the consequences of sin
(John 16:8; Acts 24:25; Revelation 20:11-15)

It includes an explanation of God’s remedy for sin- the Gospel
(Acts 8:29-35; Romans 3:21-26; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

It includes the clear call to repent (to turn from sin and to turn toward God) and believe the gospel, by faith
(Mark 1:15; Luke 13:1-5; Acts 17:2931; Romans 1:17; Romans 10:9-13).


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
I met Justin Bell in South Africa. When he was a student at Christ for the nations in Dallas, Texas. Now he travels around the world looking for opportunities to evangelize today. We’re going to talk about his list of seven things. Evangelism is not.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:18):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the event.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
So listen podcast, I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a special guest, Justin Bell. He is a missionary evangelist. He has traveled to many countries. Justin, thank you so much for joining me today.

Justin Bell (01:15):
Thank you, Daniel. It’s a pleasure to be on your show. God is good.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:18):
So you and I first met in the country of South Africa. We were there at the invitation of pastors, Billy and Maryanne Allen. They were the pastors of Christ for the nations church and in Dallas, Texas, and they are good friends of mine. And they were doing a crusade with the Zulu people of South Africa. You remember that crusade?

Justin Bell (01:44):
Oh man. Yes. I had a very good time. I’m I’m definitely looking forward to going back to South Africa.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:49):
W what do, what do you remember about the Zulu people?

Justin Bell (01:53):
Oh, man, very interesting. I learned about the King at the time. He had maybe six wives and, you know, they could only come to his palace when they were invited and you know, it was a lot of good highlights as well. The crusade was amazing, of course we saw people get healed and for me, the highlight was eating Impala, kebab. When we did the Sofar, that that was my first time eating Impala. And it was amazing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:22):
The thing I remember was that we, we fed a lot of the people at the crusade. So in the morning they led two cows into the camp where we’re doing their crusade and they started cooking. And by about two o’clock in the afternoon, all the food was ready and everyone ate it. And there was not a single piece of that cow left from head to toe from the nose to the tail, every single part of the, both those cows were consumed. And that was a, that was a crusade. So you went to Christ for The Nations, and then you also went to the the Assembly of God’s school there in the Dallas area. And then you’ve been traveling to different nations. Tell me what you’ve been doing in the nations.

Justin Bell (03:21):
Yeah, absolutely. Graduated Christ for the Nations, went to the SAGU got a degree there and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:28):
SAGU is Southwestern assemblies of God university, right?

Justin Bell (03:31):
Yeah. Southwestern Assembly of God university. And when I left there well actually crunched some nations, actually birth, just the desire to go to the nations, you know, and to preach the gospel and to see societal transformation through the gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts of men. And so never really been exposed, but that school just kind of put the seed in my heart and then graduated Saigu then moved to South Korea and lived in Korea for four years. I went there and was an English teacher and then begin to learn how to do ministry really get your hands dirty, involve peoples get involved in people’s lives. And so that was really where my evangelistic muscle was really stretched because some things in Bible school, they don’t teach you. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:21):
What were some of the things that you learned in South Korea that they didn’t teach you in Bible school?

Justin Bell (04:27):
Oh man. So, you know social media technology is a great way to reach out to people. And so when I first when the church first got started, it was, it was, it was sovereign in decline. And you know, it was over 2,400 in the city. And I said, how am I going to reach these foreigners and, you know, begin to pray. And, you know, I started kind of implementing some things in Bible school. You know, you want to get out into the community, you want to reach people. So I was going to the bars, getting, reaching people, getting getting their names and then went on social media, having like nice flyers, you know, come to my church and we’re starting a new thing. And week one, nobody came week two, nobody came. And so I figured out real quick, unless you have a strategy to go get them. And I started getting on Facebook and I started messaging people personally. And I said, Hey, let’s do coffee. And in that time span, I had five to 10 minutes after taking them out to lunch and dinner and building some kind of relational lines to strike their hearts with the gospel. And that’s what I did. And sure enough, that begin to draw people to come because instead of giving people a track, I had to become the track.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:43):
And since you were in South Korea for four years what kind of food that the South Koreans eat? Did you enjoy eating?

Justin Bell (05:54):
Yeah, so Koreans, they eat a lot of kimchi. Kimchi is a fermented cabbage and they eat it every day. Of course I can eat it every day. You know, it’s a very strong smell. They have Kim bop, which is a rice mixed with carrots and vegetables, and it’s kind of like cutting sushi rolls. Bulgogi is like a, it’s like a sweet beef that they have, which is very delicious. And so they have a lot of vegetable-based cuisine and I really enjoyed it as well, you know, cause a lost some way of course, because they eat a lot of fish and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:29):
You’re making, you’re making me hungry. All right. So, so where else have you been traveling to

Justin Bell (06:37):
Been to England, been to Italy, been to France, been to Chalanco I’ve been to India. I’ve been to Greece. I’ve been to Finland, been to Amsterdam been to Canada been to South Africa, been to Brazil

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:54):
On the wall behind you. There you have a flag from Brazil. I know you’ve spent a lot of time recently in Brazil. Tell me about the ministry that you’ve been doing in Brazil.

Justin Bell (07:06):
Yeah, so a partner with a friend of mine, I went to school with and he’s actually building a Bible school in the city of Rio de Janeiro. And I go down there and he’s has a project called SOS, Brazil kids. And he basically takes kids from the neighborhood whose parents had been either assassinated or put in prison. And he gathers them and teach them life skills and it uses the Bible to teach them life skills. So he wants to transform his neighborhood. He stays in a poor developed for Vela. And so I go down there and check on the project and then kind of provide oversight of the school to see what resources he needs and in the process of doing that, I preach in local churches that allow me to come in and you know, just trying to bring revival to the city and help people come into the kingdom. So it’s a, I go about two or three times a year and it’s like my second home.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:06):
And as long as we’re talking about food, what kind of food do you like in Brazil? Oh man, let me tell you what my wife likes. She loves going to Brazilian restaurants that bring you meat. Speaking of this, my wife is a carnivore and Jessica, she loves eating Brazilian meat.

Justin Bell (08:28):
Yeah, the Brazilians man, they can eat brother. They they’re very big meat-eaters they have a special meat. That’s called a pecan Kanya, but Kanya is one of their, their traditional famous meats that it’s called an in Portuguese. It’s called up to the ASCO. So it’s Brazilian barbecue. So I always love going that. And so when I go to Brazil and I’m preaching and it’s, you know, to do ministry for two weeks I have to actually fast in the daytime and only eat at night or, you know, I’ll blow up because they eat so much and, and their food is it’s it’s very heavy. So it’s a lot of comfort food and, and so I enjoy it. You know, it’s grateful.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:09):
I was looking at your website, which is greater glory, world ministries.com. If, if somebody wants more information about you or about your, your ministry. And I noticed on there that you have a, a S page talk about your, your school of evangelism and you have several things on there about what evangelism is not, and then what evangelism is. And so I thought that would be an interesting thing to discuss. So let me just name these different things. Often you talk to me a little bit about them. So the first thing that evangelism is not evangelism is not inviting people to church or an evangelistic event. Can you, can you explain that statement?

Justin Bell (09:55):
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m very passionate, passionate about evangelism and, you know, oftentimes if there’s not any teacher or trainer that really comes in and allows people to understand what true evangelism is from the Bible, people tend to create their own, you know, ideology behind evangelism. And so inviting people to church is good. But in my opinion, it creates a lot of problems because I feel like we should not invite people to church. We should invite people to Jesus. And when we meet people for the first time and we just kind of sling them and say, man, come to church with me on Sunday, their spirit hasn’t been regenerated. They have no context of what’s going on. They sit there and they, and you’re praying and hoping, Oh man, you know, I hope the pastor preaches a good message. And oftentimes it creates boredom within them because they don’t understand, you know, all of the church antiques that happened before the message. And so it does more harm than good. And so when you meet people, give them opportunities, share the gospel, plant the seed, and then once they get saved needle, then bring them to church and allow them to be plugged in. Otherwise it can create a lot of problems and people, you know, they will, they will possibly go to church and not even be, be saved or Christian or converted.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:14):
All right, let me hit you with a second one. It says evangelism is not social work, social justice or political involvement. Talk to me about that.

Justin Bell (11:23):
Yeah. social work, social justice feeding the homeless. It does not prepare souls for eternity and those things are good. Works good, works that should lead unto salvation. The Bible says by loving kindness, he has drawn us. You know, there is a, a bridge or path that’s created when we show the love of Christ and kindness of Christ that opens people’s hearts to receive the message, which is the foundation and the motive behind what we’re doing. So, you know, good deeds compliment the gospel. But they do not replace it. So we can’t replace that with actually the proclamation of the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:04):
Yeah. I think that’s a good point because our generation, a younger generation is really big into doing social work. Everyone wants to dig Wells to get fresh water or feed people. And, and then also social justice is really big in our society right now where, where people are fighting for social justice and those things are important. But the most important thing is bringing people to a saving knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ, because you can put food in someone’s stomach, but the next day their stomach is going to be empty again. But when eternity comes, they’re either going to be in heaven or hell. And so that’s something we need to think about. And then on, on social justice issues, I think the, the only thing that really can bring justice to society is people getting in relationship with God or there, because there cannot be forgiveness. There, there cannot be a valuing of other people unless your heart is right before God.

Justin Bell (13:18):
That’s right. Yeah. You know the great Billy ground, he said a very powerful saying, he said, a government is only good as those who govern. And so oftentimes it’s, it’s not so much the system or the person that we need. We need a new president, we need new strategies. We need new, you know, it’s the heart of the individual because essentially they’re going to be the ones occupying the space to create the laws and things. So you’re exactly right. You know, I’m in total agreement.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:46):
This next one is, as evangelism is not personal testimony. Talk to me about that.

Justin Bell (13:52):
Yeah. You know, I’m giving you a personal testimony, just like social justice and feeding the homeless should compliment the gospel. It should, it should be an additive to what the gospel is because, you know, Romans talks about this. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. So the gospel is power. You know, when we preach the gospel in his periods form, the power of God will show up the power of God will manifest and it doesn’t need you know, any help in the gospel in regards to his message. And so we should share how the gospel has been played out in our personal lives. But our personal testimony alone doesn’t have the power to convert. It can be used to draw people to respond to the gospel message. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:42):
I think sometimes the problem, a lot of people have in giving their personal testimony is they spend a lot of time talking about bad. They were, they say, I was, I was stuck on drugs. I was an alcoholic. I abused my wife. I raped three girls, like, hold up, wait a second here. And, and, and then they, they, they, they spend all this time talking about how big a center they were. And then they spend like a minute talking about N Jesus set me free, you know? And it’s like, let’s spend more time talking about all the amazing things that Jesus did rather than what a tremendous hold Satan had on your life. And so you, you, you had to tell people a little bit about where you came from, but let’s spend a lot more time talking to people about what the gospel has actually done in any, in your life. All right. Evangelism is not imposing our will or beliefs on another person. Talk about that.

Justin Bell (15:46):
Yeah. we, we make no apologies to, to creatively persuade people into crimes. The message it’s, it’s a mandate from the Lord. But we cannot force someone to put their faith in Christ and confess Christ as their Lord. And, you know, sometimes when people get out on the streets and they evangelize, or they do, you know personally evangelism where they, you know, walk up to people they can, you know, impose themselves on the person to where it, the person they repel against the message. And because we’re trying to get them to do something. And the Bible talks about all the time, unless the spirit of God draws them they will not be saved. And if we want true conversions we have to let the Holy spirit draw the people that we need to share the gospel with them.

Justin Bell (16:38):
And we need to share it with everyone. But everyone you speak to is not going to be a home run per se. It’s not going to be the one. Maybe you’re just the one to plant the seed. Maybe you’re the one to open their hearts. And maybe you’re the one to actually close the deal where they actually, God has been working on them and they’re ready to receive Christ in that moment. So we have that anticipation in mind, but we can’t always force that on people because some people honestly they’re not ready to come into the kingdom because the spirit of God, you know, it hasn’t drawn them. So, you know, I’ve learned that in, in good ways and bad, when I first started evangelizing, I did that. I was like, come on, man. You, you need to give me life to Jesus right now. You need to give your life to Christ. Jesus is here right now. And when they didn’t give their life to Christ, I was disappointed. And I was like, Lord, you know, am I doing something wrong? But the Holy spirit had to teach me how to work with the Holy spirit and to have wisdom. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:36):
Evangelism is not doing apologetics in order to win an argument

Justin Bell (17:43):
About that. I’m on now. Oh man. So you have some people are, they, they know the scriptures, you know, they, they memorize the Romans road of salvation. They’ve memorized, certainly evangelistic passages. And they’re ready to debate with the Muslim, with the Catholic wit you know, and use it kind of as a strong fist to bring them in the spirit of God may lead you in that direction. But that is not the case every time. I’ve learned I remember when I was doing outreach in in a hospital here in Dallas and me and a friend of mine, we were leading the outreach and we went into this hospital and we were praying for sick people. And we were just kind of being led by the spirit. And we got into the lobby of the hospital and we started communicating with, it was a lot of Spanish speakers and a lot of them were Catholics.

Justin Bell (18:41):
And so my friend was translated. And one of the strategies that I learned when you evangelize the people that may be Catholics or this, you don’t necessarily debate with them, unless the Holy spirit is leading you, you let them see the passion and the fire in your eyes of what Christ has done in your life. And I began to do that. I didn’t debate with her. I said, man, let me tell you what Christ has done for my life. And I use it as a springboard to share the gospel. And as I did, I noticed the lady, she kept her head kept going down. She couldn’t look me in the eyes. She would always look away. And I’ve learned because Christ is light. He is the light of the world. Sometimes when you see into people’s lives, the darkness that is in them, they can’t, they can’t look you in your face and because of oppression in their own personal lives.

Justin Bell (19:29):
And this was the case, the police, they kicked us out of the hospital for sharing the gospel. We didn’t have a knife, we didn’t have a gun. We were simply sharing the love of Jesus and a lo and behold, someone that was listening in the four corner when we got kicked out, they actually came over and started communicating to the lady in Spanish finishing our conversation of sharing the gospel with her. So don’t debate. Let them see the fire passion in your eyes and allow the Holy spirit to use that, to open their hearts.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:59):
Yeah, our goal is not to win arguments. Our goal is to win souls. Now I do have some thoughts about apologetics. I just finished publishing a brand new book called proof. God is real and is basically a book about apologetics going through and looking at different reasons why I believe God is real looking at the, the cosmological proof for God’s existence, the tele illogical proof, which is basically design in the universe, looking at some of the, the different evidences that, that Pentecostal charismatics give, which is basically miracles, looking at different reasons. We can believe that the Bible is true. And so I put all this in, in this book, proof, God is real because I noticed on Twitter and, and YouTube that the spirit of atheism is very strong. There’s lots of atheists that, that make points arguing against Christianity. And I really have a heart for reaching atheist here in America.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:01):
And so that’s why I started researching and writing the book proof. God is real, but often I think that apologetics is, is pre evangelism. You bring people to an understanding that there is a God and that the Bible is reliable. And then they are open to hearing more about Jesus. And so I think some people are approached emotionally, but some people are approached intellectually that, that in. And of course the Bible says, love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength. And, and, and so using apologetics is part of how we love God with our mind.

Justin Bell (21:44):
And so in

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:45):
My book on apologetics, it is infused with evangelistic fervor. I tried to put as much of my passion in there to save people from hell, because that’s the reason I wrote it. I, I don’t want anyone to go to hell. And if I can demolish some of the arguments that are keeping them from God, then, then that’s what I try to do in my book. But anyways, that, that book proof God is real. You can find it and on Amazon just type in Daniel King proof, God is real and you can order a copy of it. It’s, it’s hot off the press is, is just coming out this week. And so I’m super excited about that, but I, I do agree with you. We’re not trying to win an argument. All right. Here’s another one. What evangelism is not evangelism is not church planting. Talk to me about that.

Justin Bell (22:35):
Yeah. we need Christian churches all over the world. God knows you know, especially here in Dallas, we have a lot of churches, but a church alone does not solve the problem. It is more of you know, more of an opportunity for people to come in to learn more about Christ. You know, the initial conversation it has to happen when we encounter people. One-On-One in my, in my opinion, you know, people can be invited to an evangelistic event. People can be invited into the inside of the church, but a true evangelism is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the hearts of men, allowing them to come into that reality. And then, you know, using the church as a means to help them grow, learn more about Christ, to get involved to continue to share the message of clients. But we can rely on church planning to, you know, see people come to know Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:33):
And then the final thing, evangelism is not evangelism is not the increase of numbers of people joining the church.

Justin Bell (23:44):
Yeah. some people, and this is bad, you know, they evangelize to say that they got somebody saved, you know, or they have the prime for motive of you know, I want to see 10 people say to them, I wouldn’t see that. And it’s nothing wrong with that, but it has to be rooted in love. It can be rooted in a self-pride of you wanting to make something happen because you know, that’s in the flesh. So, you know, I think it’s just having the right perspective when you reaching out to people and you, we evangelize because we love them because God loves them. Whether they get saved or not you know, it doesn’t determine our love for them. And so when we communicate the gospel, it’s like people there’s a saying that that’s very powerful. It says, people don’t know, people don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.

Justin Bell (24:35):
And so if you communicate from a place of really wanting to see them save, and they feel like it’s you trying to make something happen, they’re going to repel. But when you say, man, you know, I care about you and they sense that people are not dumb. They know when you actually care about them, they know when you actually have a heart for them. And so, you know, when you communicate from that place, then the conversation can continue versus, you know, you want it to strong, or we call it strong on them into the kingdom. So we don’t want to strong arm people in the kingdom because we want them to stay. We don’t want them to leave. So yeah, it’s, it’s the heart of a caring person that just loves them. Like Jesus loves them and shining the gospel message.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:17):
So we’ve talked about seven things that evangelism is not just give me a brief overview of what you think evangelism is as an evangelist. What do you think of anilism is?

Justin Bell (25:31):
Yeah. I think evangelism in a nutshell is it’s, it’s a warning. It’s an explanation. And a So-Cal I think we are first were warning people of the consequences of sin and through scripture, you know, there’s many scriptures John 16 acts 14 X, 24 warning people about the consequences of disobedience to God. And then it’s an explanation. It’s an explanation of the remedy that God has created for all mankind to come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and allowing them to understand the remedy of the disobedience. Oh, this said, and then it’s a call. It’s a call for people to respond to what Christ has done. He has made awake. He has become the bridge to restore relationship, right. Relationship between man and God. And so yeah, it’s a warning. It’s an explanation. And the call in a nutshell, I think that’s evangelism biblically, and we are called to communicate this message clearly and allow people to become right with the Lord for all eternity.

Justin Bell (26:42):
You know it’s eternity is a real place and a lot of people may not think about it until, you know, they get sick or they get in the eighties or seventies, but people are dying at 15 years. Old, people are dying at 20 years. Old, people are dying at 12 years old. And so, you know, we have the responsibility to communicate the message, and it’s not a, as you have taught me, it’s not the great option. It’s the great commission, you know, so we are to do it because it’s a command from the Lord. And we may not be, everyone may not be sitting in the office of evangelism, but everyone is called to to share that faith in Christ, through the vocation. You know, whether you’re a lawyer, whether you’re a doctor, whether you’re a basketball player, your responsibility is to win that circle of influence that God has entrusted into you. So that we can see many souls coming to the kingdom.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:34):
Wow, that’s really tremendous. I really love your heart and your, your passion, Justin, you are a great evangelist and it’s a honor to know you, and I believe God’s going to continue to do amazing things through you. If some of my listeners want to support your ministry or find out more about you, could you give your, your website again, what’s the best way for them to find out more information about you?

Justin Bell (27:58):
Yeah. the website is a greater glory, a world ministries.com, Gigi dwdm.com. You can go there. We have information there. Our website is there. You can send us an email, a prayer request as well. We have an Instagram greater glory, well, ministries official, it’s official greater glory on Instagram. We have a Facebook page, greater global warming issues on Facebook. And so those are the ways that you can get in contact and, you know, to serve in a way we can serve as well and give there’s instructions on those platforms.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:34):
That’s awesome. Well, thank you, Justin so much for being on the evangelism podcast. You know, one time Marilyn Hickey told me that miracles are the dinner bell that called people to the banqueting table of heaven. And so I would say that that Justin is the bell that can call people to Jesus. You are like the bell out there, lagging in the wilderness, calling people to the banqueting table of heaven. And so God bless you, Justin. And thanks for being on, on the evangelism podcast.

Justin Bell (29:09):
Thank you, Daniel. Pleasure to be here. Thank you

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:11):
So much for listening to the evangelism podcast today. Could you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and give us a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (29:33):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


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